Sunday, December 1, 2013


Strategy 13: Realia Strategies

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards


Sort objects by observable properties, such as size, shape, color, temperature (hot or cold), weight (heavy or light), texture, and whether objects sink or float. 

Common Core Standards:

Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).

ESOL Standards

12. Apply content-based ESOL approaches to instruction.


  1. Identify opportunities to use realia
  2. Collect realia
  3. Build a library of realia
  4. Use field trips as realia 
 Learning is much more fun and interesting when the students are able to see, feel, hear, or even smell the object being explored. That is why realia should be used in instruction whenever possible. Realia is the real thing. Instead of students trying to learn from a model, or a replica , the students are able to experience it. That is why it can be beneficial for the teacher to collect realia to display in the classroom. This also helps build students vocabulary, but it can be very resourceful when learning about science. For instance, having an unusual classroom pet, such as an iguana or a turtle, can spark the students interest about the pets needs and purpose in their natural habitat. Even a show and tell can be very applicable for this teaching strategy. 

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