Sunday, December 1, 2013


Strategy 24: Moving into Reading

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:

LA.K.5.2.2 The student will listen attentively to fiction and nonfiction read-alouds and demonstrate understanding; 
Common Core Standards:
ESOL Standards:
9) Develop experiential and interactive literacy activities for LEP/ELL students, using current information on linguistic and cognitive processes.


  1. Choose an appropriate book
  2. Preread an plan interactions
  3. Stop for interactions
  4. Assess student progress and understanding
  5. Introduce the text
  6. Read the book and tack the print
  7. Stop for discussion and prediction
  8. Encourage verbal interactions
  9. Reread for additional practice and exposure
  10. Practice with small versions of the text
The purpose of this strategy is to foster comprehension as much as possible. When the teacher plans for interactions to be made when reading a book aloud to the class, it makes the text much more meaningful and entertaining for students. This causes the students to get captured into the story sparks their imagination when making predictions. Every teacher should read aloud to their class in such a way, to show the students that reading can be interesting and fun. Once students see the teacher read with fluency and enthusiasm, the students will most likely read the same book fro leisure. This really helps ESOL students comprehend the texts, because using facial expressions and gestures helps the student understand the mood of the story, even if they do not understand all of the words. 

Here is a great example of Moving into Reading: 

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