Sunday, December 1, 2013


Strategy 10: Manipulatives

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards


Infer based on observation. 

Common Core Standards:

Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

ESOL Standards:

9. Develop experiential and interactive literacy activities for LEP/ELL students, using current information on linguistic and cognitive processes.


  1. Identify concepts to be taught and ways to present them
  2. Demonstrate and explain 
  3. Provide guided practice
  4. Give students time for additional practice
  5. Celebrate and review
Manipulatives are devices that students can touch, move, or handle to help their learning experience be more concrete. It is easy to find manipulatives for science, because almost everything about science requires experiments, and with experiments comes manipulatives. It is always important to make sure that the manipulatives are safe for handling. One of the best ways to understand the human body, is to be able to visualize and know each parts functions. An activity that works well for this is, to assemble the body parts through a 3 dimensional manipulative such as a heart or a brain. Another activity is to have a graphic organizer that has all of the body parts. The students cut out the body parts, label them, and organize them into their proper place. This helps ESOL students especially because they are able to demonstrate using their hands, to show what they know. 

A great way to apply this would be the Magic School Bus A Journey Into The Human Body kit.


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