Sunday, December 1, 2013


Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:

LA.K.1.1.5 The student will identify parts of a book (e.g., front cover, back cover, title page); 
Common Core:
ESOL Standards:
11) Apply essential strategies for developing and integrating the four language skills of listening composition, oral communication, reading, and writing.

If students are going to be reading out of a book with pictures, instruct them to glance through the entire book, just looking and the pictures. This will give the students and idea of what to expect, and prepare them for what they are about to learn. This works for all different types of books, fiction, nonfiction, and informational. 

If students are about to read a book without pictures, talk about the title and have a small discussion about what they expect the book will be about. If it is an informational text, have students read all of the subheadings. This will prepare the students minds to learn about and focus on the topic of the text. 

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