Sunday, December 1, 2013


Strategy 27: Guided Reading

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards

LA. The student will adjust reading rate based on purpose, text difficulty, form, and style. 
Common Core Standards
ESOL Standards
12) Apply content-based ESOL approaches to instruction.


  1. Group the students for instruction
  2. Begin the process
  3. Read aloud but not in unison 
  4. Pair students for additional practice
  5. Teach mini-lessons based on student needs
This strategy is meant to get students monitoring themselves. Before placing students into groups of four or six, the teacher must find out the students reading levels. The students reading level can be found out through Running records, their use of cueing systems(attention to phonics, meaning, word order, sentence structure, and the relation of the text to the students' prior experiences).

The guided reading lesson begins with a book walk. The students and the teacher look through the book to predict what will happen. Give students copies of the book and encourage them to read aloud at their own pace. Move from student to student, listening to each student's oral reading and giving him or her instruction as needed. Pair students to red to each other and listen to their oral reading on more time coaching and celebrating their success. Focus on self monitoring and problem solving strategies. 

Guided Reading:  

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