Monday, December 2, 2013

ESOL STRATEGEIS FOR SCIENCE!!! Tips For Teaching The Scientific Method

Tips For Teaching The Scientific Method

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards


Compare the observations made by different groups using the same tools and seek reasons to explain the differences across groups. 

Common core Standards

Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

ESOL Standards

11. Apply essential strategies for developing and integrating the four language skills of listening composition, oral communication, reading, and writing.

Teaching the scientific method is an helps students identify a problem, observe, take notes, synthesize, and come up with logical conclusions.


  1. Identify the Problem
  2. Come up with a hypothesis
  3. Gather materials
  4. Detail procedures
  5. Observe results
  6. Form a Conclusion

Problem – What are you trying to figure out? Write this in the form of a question.
Hypothesis – What do you think you are going to find out?
Materials – List the materials you will use in the experiment.
Procedures – Make a detailed list of the steps in your experiment.
Results – What did you observe when you performed the experiment?
Conclusion – From what you observed, how would you answer your original question?

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