Sunday, December 1, 2013


Semantic Gradients

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards

LA. The student will identify common antonyms and synonyms; 
Common Core Standards
ESOL Standards
10) Analyze student language and determine appropriate instructional strategies, using knowledge of phonology, morphology, syntax semantics, and discourse

Semantic gradients broaden the students understanding of related words. The student will be able to see the differences in words that have very similar meanings. This will help students better distinguish between shades of meaning and become better writers and more fluent in the English language. Not only will students writing improve but their overall comprehension and speaking.

How to use Semantic Gradients:

  1. Select a pair of polar opposite words.
  2. Come up with five synonyms for each of the of the opposite words
  3. Create a continuum of words, that bridge one opposite word to the other. This can be done horizontally or vertically. 
  4. Discuss the rational for placing specific words in certain places. Spark conversation about the subtle difference between the words.
Select a specific vocabulary word e.g learge.
  1. Using a book you've read or a unit of study, make a list of semantically similar words.
  2. Arrange each word in a location that represents its meaning and the students understanding of the word. The continuum can be vertical or horizontal.
  3. Have students discuss their rational as to why they placed each word in a specific order. 

Watch semantic gradients in action

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