Monday, December 2, 2013


Stay or Stray

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards 

SS.4.C.2.2 Identify ways citizens work together to influence government and help solve community and state problems. 
Common Core Standards
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.4.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
ESOL Standards
8) Select and develop appropriate ESOL content according to student levels of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, taking into account: (1) basic interpersonal communicative skills (BICS), and (2) cognitive academic language proficiency skills (CALPS) as they apply to the ESOL curriculum.

1. Select a topic to be explored (e.g. structures of government around the world). The topic should be multi-faceted (e.g. different structures, causes/effects of something, arguments for and against something, cost/benefits, alternative solutions to a problem, different perspectives etc.).

2. Explain the following procedures to students before implementing them so that students know what will be expected of them.

3. Jigsaw Information Gathering: place students in small “expert” groups of 3 at a center (e.g. table) and assign a reading, recording etc. that offers information about one facet of a topic. For example, one reading might focus on unitary structures of government while the other two readings focus on federal and confederate structures. Pose a question for each group to answer (e.g. how might governments around the world be structured) and have the students in each expert group record their responses on a handout paper or on Post-it Chart paper that can be posted on the wall. If you use Post-It Chart paper…post the responses on the wall.

4. Assign each student a number from 1-3. Tell students that they are now going to explore different facets of the topic and that each will get a turn to be the teacher while others have an opportunity to learn from their peers.

5. Ask all of the students assigned #1 to STAY at their center or near their Post-It Charts. Students assigned to #2-3 are to STRAY clockwise to the nearest table or Post-It Chart where #1 will share the information that his or her group gathered during Step 2.

6. Once the #1 students have explained their information and responded to questions, ask the #2 students to STAY where they are while #1 & 3 STRAY to the next center. Continue to STAY OR STRAY until all facets of the topic are explained and each student has had an opportunity to be “the teacher.”

7. Debrief: Write labels for each facet of the topic on the board (e.g. unitary, federal, confederate). Ask volunteers to list features of each structure and record their responses on the board for all to see. Students can take notes on each facet to develop a fuller understanding of the topic.

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