Sunday, December 1, 2013


Strategy 26: Read Aloud Plus

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:

LA. The student will interpret information presented and seek clarification when needed; 
Common Core Standards:
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.3 Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text.
ESOL Standards:
11) Apply essential strategies for developing and integrating the four language skills of listening composition, oral communication, reading, and writing.


  1. Preread and choose support materias
  2. Explain the process to the students
  3. Read and clarify
  4. Engage the students actively
  5. Review key concepts
  6. Assess and monitor growth
  7. Add technology
This strategy is used to helps students understand difficult texts. If the class is reading difficult text. The teacher will read aloud, and paraphrase it. The student will also be paraphrasing the text as well so that they learn this strategy and can read difficult text on their own. The teacher will provide visuals such as, transparencies, photos, graphs, charts to ensure student comprehension. The teacher will pick out difficult words, to be vocabulary words, and elaborate on their meaning. The term "plus" is the added extension activities that will support understanding, because the text is too difficult to understand alone. It is important that students also learn how to put what the text says into their own words. 

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