Friday, November 29, 2013


Strategy 19: Story Reenactment

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards

LA. The student will record information (e.g., observations, notes, lists, charts, map labels, legends) related to a topic, including visual aids as appropriate; 
Common Core Standards:
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
ESOL Standards:
8) Select and develop appropriate ESOL content according to student levels of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, taking into account: (1) basic interpersonal communicative skills (BICS), and (2) cognitive academic language proficiency skills (CALPS) as they apply to the ESOL curriculum.


  • Read the story- Read a story to the students or have them read the story independently
  • Retell the story- Have the students retell the story in sequence and list the props they will need to accurately reenact the story.
  • Gather or make the props- Provide materials for the students to use in creating the props for the prop box. The materials might be clay, dough for baked-dough art, felt, or drawing materials. Encourage the students to sign up for the props they will make.
  • Store the props- After the props are made, painted, and sealed, decorate a shoe box in which to store the props. The box can be labeled with a photograph of the cover of the book so the students can easily identify the story props.
  • Use the props for retelling- Encourage students to use the prop boxes to retell and reenact the stories, working in pairs or small groups.
  • Assess the retellings- Listen to the story retellings and encourage the students who are using the "book language" and vocabulary. This is a good opportunity to document language usage and take anecdotal records. Note the completeness of the students' retellings and their inclusion of main events, characters, and inference.

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