Saturday, November 30, 2013


Strategy 9: Culture Studies

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards

SS.5.G.2.1 Describe the push-pull factors (economy, natural hazards, tourism, climate, physical features) that influenced boundary changes within the United States. 
Common Core Standards:
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.5.1c Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others.
ESOL Standards:
18) Create a positive classroom environment to accommodate the various learning styles and cultural backgrounds of students.


  1. Find an age appropriate project
  2. Set up the goals and parameters
  3. Make expectations clear
  4. Plan the culminating activity
  5. Assess student growth and progress
  6. Add technology
A great way to incorporate this strategy is to have a discussion about what makes up a culture, what makes people different, and what makes people the same. Discuss how each culture is different in the way they get along. Then have students research their own culture. Have students find out facts about their culture to present to the glass. Have students create a power point with visuals and facts about their culture. Then have students share with the class what they learned about their own culture, that they did not know before. The teacher can assess student progress, by the information given and the students response to what they learned. The student can fill out graphic organizer that they can use to help create their power point, or share the graphic organizer with the class by uploading it. 

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