Saturday, November 30, 2013


Strategy 47: Multimedia Presentations

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards

Common Core Standards

ESOL Standards
15) Evaluate, select, and employ appropriate instructional materials, media, and technology for ESOL at elementary, middle, and high school levels.


  1. Model media use
  2. Introduce media slowly
  3. Add new media appropriate
  4. Allow time for practice 
  5. create working partners
  6. make a media assignment
It is very beneficial of the teacher to use multimedia resources. Students can learn a lot through this type of instruction, because the student is able to have a clear view of the methods the teacher is using to solve math problems through a document camera or smart board. The student can advance as well when discovering new types of media types and ways to present their knowledge. When the student uses technology to demonstrate what they've learned, the teacher can use this as a way of assessing the students comprehension of the subject. There are many types of media to use, video clips, overhead projector, audiotapes, and much more, and these can be very rewarding to both the student and the teacher. This strategy is ideal for math presentations.

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