Saturday, November 30, 2013


Strategy 42: Generation interaction between schemata and text

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:

SS.5.A.5.3 Explain the significance of historical documents including key political concepts, origins of these concepts, and their role in American independence. 
Common Core Standards:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.1d Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented

ESOL Standards:
10) Analyze student language and determine appropriate instructional strategies, using knowledge of phonology, morphology, syntax semantics, and discourse.


  1. Identify appropriate text for GIST
  2. Group the students
  3. Demonstrate the strategy
  4. Discuss summary sentences
  5. Read and summarize paragraph by paragraph
  6. Read and compare summary sentences
This strategy is great for students interacting and collaborating with each other. After the teacher has selected the text to be read, and places the students into groups. The students read small sections silently and then work together to generate a sentence that summarizes the whole paragraph. Each student then writes that sentence on their piece of paper, so that in the end they have an entire summary of the text.

A way to incorporate this strategy into social studies. Have groups read sections of the Declaration of Independence. Have students summarize each section. 

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